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Автор Тема: How to use HIM and HDS to make a forced regeneration of DPF  (Прочитано 6279 раз)
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Den, Born to Ride !

« : 15 Ноября 2024, 18:04:04 »

1) Make a nice little tricks with the car to make the 76 ° or at least not too far

2) Put themselves in a place where noise motors can interfere people and nothing can come under the car. (The DPF rises above 600 ° C)

3) Open the hood

4) Disable all that pump energy (ceiling, etc ...) and especially not fun to reactivate during operation.

5) Connect the HIM to the car and the computer.

6) Start the HDS

7) Turn the ignition on II

8 ) In the HDS, press the "Select a new vehicle" and enter the mileage.

9) Select "System"

10) Select "Diesel"

11) Check and delete the DTC menu "DTC - given frozen". The HDS warn you it is absolutely necessary to remove them before operation and also check the various sensors of the DPF, so if you have a problem with sensors, do not bother going any further.

12) and go back to "Settings"

13) Select "DPF Regeneration"

14) Put the engine running, turn on the lights and put on the air conditioner ON

15) If the engine is not the right temp, the HDS asked to accelerate between 1600 and 2400trs/min

16) When the temp is reached, the HDS takes over, release the accelerator.

17) Allow the HDS to regeneration. The engine mounts alone at 3000trs/min during regeneration, it is stagnant at 1500 trs/min.

18) At the end of the regeneration scheme dates back to 3000 trs/min to cool the exhaust line (weird, but it is like here)

19) When the regeneration is complete, leave the HDS, turn off the engine, remove the cables from HIM and go for a ride to make sure the cooling line.

(c) www.crvclub.ru

* How to use HIM and HDS to make a forced regeneration of DPF.jpg (31.82 Кб, 1024x623 - просмотрено 46 раз.)

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